Sunday 21 August 2016

Yakiniku and Mushrooms

Yakiniku and mushrooms
The “Yaki” in this recipe title refers to the teriyaki flavour, and “niku” means meat. Beef, pork and chicken are all delicious in this recipe. All 3 types of Japanese mushrooms can be used, however just use what is available, keeping in mind that western-style brown or white mushrooms, or really any kind of mushrooms can be substituted.
fresh shiitake and enoki mushrooms
500g beef or pork finely sliced, or chicken cut into bite-sized pieces
2 tablespoons cooking oil
½ cup fresh shiitake mushrooms, sliced
small cluster of shimeji mushrooms, divided
small cluster of enoki mushrooms, divided
3 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons mirin
1 tablespoon sake

1.       Boil the mushrooms in the soy sauce, mirin and sake, until mushrooms are tender. Set aside.
2.       Pan fry the meat quickly in the oil. Add the mushrooms, stir through and serve, with blanched snowpeas and sesame seeds if desired. 
The yakiniku and mushrooms can be served on a separate plate, as part of a  traditional Japanese meal, which features many small plates of food. Or, over rice in a domburi bowl, in which case you’d call it “yakinikudon”.


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