Saturday 25 June 2016

Yakisoba BBQ Noodles

Yakisoba Japanese style BBQ noodles and vegetables

 Serves 3
1 packet 480g (16.9 oz) yakisoba noodles and sauce*
250g (8 oz) meat, cut into strips for stir-frying (pork is traditional, but chicken also works well)
3 cups stir-fry vegetables, chopped (onions, garlic, cabbage, carrots, capsicum (peppers), broccoli, cauliflower)  
2 tablespoons vegetable oil

       1.       Heat oil in a frypan or on a BBQ to medium high. Add meat and vegetables and stir-fry until cooked.
       2.       Add the noodles and separate as they cook, sprinkling over a tablespoon or two of water, taking care to avoid oil splattering when water is added.
       3.       Add sauce and mix to combine, noodles, sauce, meat and vegetables. Serve hot.

Ready to go
* Yakisoba noodles are available at Asian food stores. Try using Hokkien noodles if they are not available. Japanese Yakisoba noodles are suitable to BBQ. They are ideal for cooking for a crowd, such as on school camps. I have used them for “Japanese Days” at my schools and for fundraising activities. 

available frozen in these packets
* Yakisoba sauce (a Japanese BBQ sauce) is also available from Asian food stores. To make your own try mixing, regular BBQ sauce, Worcestershire sauce and soy sauce.


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