Sunday 1 May 2016

Japanese Stock (Dashi)

Stock in Japan is usually made from katsuobushi (dried bonito fish shavings) and a piece of kombu (kelp) which are brought to the boil and then the mixture is strained and the resulting clear pale brown liquid is the stock. Most house wives in Japan do not make dashi from scratch these days, instead they use the powdered/granulated kind which dissolves readily in water. Use ½ teaspoon dashi granules to 1 cup water.
A good Japanese stock can also be made from dried shiitake mushrooms.

dashi だし packets, the bonito かつおぶし type on the left and konbu こんぶ on the right
 Dashi recipe

One piece konbu こんぶ (kelp) seaweed about 10cm by 10cm (4in by 4 in)
2 cups katsuobushi かつおぶし(bonito flakes) or kezuribushi けずりぶし
800ml water

refined katsobushi for serving with food
Cut a fringe in the edge of the konbu. Place konbu in the water in a saucepan, allow to it to soak in the cold water for 15 minutes. Then gradually heat until the water is almost boiling. Remove the konbu and add the bonito flakes and bring to the boil again. Remove from heat and strain, through a gauze cloth in a sieve.

 Note: a cheaper courser type of katsuo bushi is generally used for making dashi, than the refined kind used to serve with food


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