Saturday 23 April 2016

Japanese-Style Rice Omelette (Omuraisu)


This is a great way to use up left over rice and makes for a filling breakfast. This is exactly as it is made in Japan and served in some cafes for breakfast. My husband used to make it for our kids and they always loved it. You can write their names with the tomato sauce.

The following quantities make one large omelette:
3 eggs
1 tablespoon water
1 tablespoon sunflower oil
½ to 1 cup cooked rice (hot/still warm, microwave to reheat if using left-overs)
tomato sauce (ketchup) to serve
1.       Whisk eggs together with the water, set aside
2.       Heat oil in frypan to medium high. Pour in eggs, cook until just set on top. Add rice arranging it down the centre of the omelette. Draw a squiggly line of tomato sauce across the rice. Using a spatula (or fish slice) lift one side of the omelette and fold it over the rice.
3.       Slide omelette onto serving plate, fold over the other side of the omelette. Draw a decorative squiggly line of tomato sauce across the omelette.
Variations: A little tomato sauce can be mixed into the rice to taste before cooking, so that it turns slightly pink, if preferred.  If you don’t like the tomato sauce idea, I suggest adding some chopped tomatoes, spinach and mushrooms to the rice.

#omuraisu #JapaneseRiceOmelette

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