Saturday 19 March 2016

White Peach Jelly

White peach jelly
White peaches are delicious in Japan in summer. You can use golden peaches instead or a combination of both as I did in the pictured jelly.

4-5 white peaches (about 500g, or 1lb)
4 tablespoons sugar
a strip of lemon rind (or ½ teaspoon lemon juice)
3 teaspoons (15g) powdered gelatine
¼ cup boiling water

1.       Place peaches in a bowl, cover with boiling water and allow to stand for 10 minutes or so. Rinse with cold water and gently rub to remove skins. Cut into segments and remove seeds.

2.       Place sugar in a small saucepan and pour in water to cover the sugar with about 5cm (2in) water. Bring to the boil without stirring to make a syrup. When boiling add the fruit and lemon rind. Simmer for 1 or 2 minutes to just soften and remove from heat. Allow to cool slightly.

3.       Sprinkle the gelatine over the boiling water and stir briskly to dissolve it. Continue stirring until it is all dissolved. Add dissolved gelatine to the fruit and syrup mixture and stir through.

4.       Spoon peaches into moulds, sundae glasses, teacups, or a shallow tin. Refrigerate for several hours or until set. Serve by itself or with a scoop of green tea ice cream or your favourite flavour.

I used cups as moulds and unmoulded onto small serving plates. To encourage unmoulding place some warm towels on the outside of the cups.

 #WhitePeachJelly #JapaneseDessert #JapaneseJelly #JapaneseWhitePeachDessert #WhitePeach

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